Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Setup a Kafka Cluster

Kafka is distributed event streaming software based on publish and subscribe to model. It’s very powerful streaming software used by many organizations.

More details find in the below link





Kafka is required minimum JAVA version 1.8 and above (JAVA_HOME environment variable need setup in the system)

Need 7zip software to extract .tgz files in windows.


Software and Tools


Windows 10

Kafka 2.8

Java 1.8 or higher

Zookeeper 3.5.9 (Embedded in Kafka)



Kafka Installation on windows



Example demonstrates with 3 Kafka brokers and 3 Zookeepers in the cluster. Kafka uses the Zookeeper to manage the Kafka cluster.


Current example will replicate the cluster in single windows machine so we may have to change the configurations like ports, in real world cluster configuration, we will install one Kafka broker/zookeeper per machine/server. Example cluster is depicting in the above diagram.


Download and Extract

Download latest Kafka software from below location.




Direct link is below




Extract “kafka_2.13-2.8.0.tgz” in local drive and clone the extracted directory 3 times and rename directories as follows.










Cluster Configuration

Zookeeper Cluster Configuration

Latest version Kafka included with Zookeeper. We have to configure the zookeeper cluster first.

Zookeeper Node1


Locate to config directory of “kafka-broker1” and update “zookeeper.properties” with following properties .



Zookeeper Data Directory

Create zookeeper data directory and update same path in zookeeper properties file.




Zookeeper myid

Create “myid” file in zookeeper data directory and provide the zookeeper id that is “1”. These ids should be unique for each zookeeper instance in the cluster.



Update “dataDir” to valid path that was crated before. We are managing 3 nodes of zookeeper in the cluster so we need to provide the “server. [myid]” property as follows and myid is the unique number assign to each zookeeper instance in the cluster. There are few other properties need to update as follows.






















Zookeeper Node1, don’t need update “clientPort” and keep it default port 2181.


Zookeeper Node2


Locate to config directory of “kafka-broker2” update “zookeeper.properties” with following properties .

Zookeeper Data Directory


Create zookeeper data directory and update same path in zookeeper properties file.




Zookeeper myid

Create “myid” file in zookeeper data directory and provide zookeeper id that is “2



Update “dataDir” to valid path that was crated before. We are managing 3 nodes of zookeeper so we need to provide the server. [myid] property as follows and myid is the unique number assign to each zookeeper instance in the cluster. There are few other properties need to update as follows.






















Zookeeper Node2 we need to update “clientPort” and it is port 2182.

Zookeeper Node3


Locate to config directory of “kafka-broker3” update “zookeeper.properties” with following properties .

Zookeeper Data Directory


Create zookeeper data directory and update same path in zookeeper properties file.




Zookeeper myid


Create “myid” file in zookeeper data directory and provide zookeeper id that is “3



Update “dataDir” to valid path that was crated before. We are managing 3 nodes of zookeeper so we need to provide the server. [myid] property as follows and myid is the unique number assign to each zookeeper instance in the cluster. There are few other properties need to update as follows.






















Zookeeper Node3 we need to update “clientPort” and it is port 2183.



Zookeeper will use serever.[myid] ports to communicate each other and maintain cluster and sync the data. This configuration should be present in all Zookeeper instances in the cluster.


Start Zookeeper Instances

Zookeeper Node1

Open command prompt and locates to Kafka Broker1 root directory and use following command to start zookeeper service.


bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\zookeeper.properties




If no errors in the logs it means zookeeper node1 is started successfully.




You may see “java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect” warning and its due to other nodes are not yet started.

Zookeeper Node2

Open command prompt and locates to Kafka Broker2 root directory and use following command to start zookeeper service.


bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\zookeeper.properties




If no errors in the logs it means zookeeper node1 is started successfully.




You may see “java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect” warning and its due to other nodes may not started.


Zookeeper Node3

Open command prompt and locates to Kafka Broker3 root directory and use following command to start zookeeper service.



bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\zookeeper.properties




If no errors in the logs it means zookeeper node3 started is successfully.



Kafka Cluster Configuration

We have successfully configured the zookeeper cluster and it’s time for configure the Kafka broker cluster.

Kafka Broker1

Locate to Kafka Broker1 root directory and update “server.properties”.

We need to update broker.id, listener and zookeeper.connect properties as follows.









zookeeper.connect is comma separated values of zookeeper cluster nodes.

Kafka Broker2

Locate to Kafka Broker2 root directory and update “server.properties”.

We need to update broker.id, listener and zookeeper.connect properties as follows.









zookeeper.connect is comma separated values of zookeeper cluster nodes.


Kafka Broker3

Locate to Kafka Broker3 root directory and update “server.properties”.

We need to update broker.id, listener and zookeeper.connect properties as follows.









zookeeper.connect is comma separated values of zookeeper cluster nodes.



We are running multiple brokers in same machine so we have to change ports numbers. In real world cluster configuration, each server has one broker so there no changes in the configuration.

broker.id.generation.enable property will generate broker.id dynamically and manually assign broker.id not required if we use this property.


Start Kafka Brokers

Kafka Broker1

Open command prompt and locate to Kafka Broker1 root directory. Run following command to start Kafka broker1 service.



bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties



We can see Kafka started message in the logs with broker Id.

Kafka Broker2

Open command prompt and locate to Kafka Broker2 root directory. Run following command to start Kafka broker2 service.



bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties



We can see Kafka started message in the logs with broker Id.

Kafka Broker3

Open command prompt and locate to Kafka Broker2 root directory. Run following command to start Kafka broker service.



bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties



We can see Kafka started message in the logs with broker Id.



If all brokers started successfully then Kafka cluster is successfully completed.

Verify Kafka Cluster

We create Kafka topic and produce some messages on topic. Other end we will run consumer to receive messages.


Create Kafka Topic

Open command prompt and locate to one of the Kafka broker bin windows directory. Use following create topic command.


kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 3 --topic first-kafka-cluster-topic



We should pass all zookeeper cluster nodes in the options.


List topics


kafka-topics.bat --zookeeper localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183 --list



List command list the all topics in the Kafka.


Start Producer


Open command prompt and locate to one of the Kafka Broker bin windows directory. Use following producer command to start producer and post messages on specific topic.



kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 --topic first-kafka-cluster-topic



Broker-list is Kafka Brokers list which we have configured in the cluster (localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094).

Start Consumer


Open command prompt and locate to Kafka bin windows directory. Use following consumer command to start consumer.



kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 --topic first-kafka-cluster-topic --from-beginning




Now type some messages on producer command prompt and same messages are receiving at consumer command prompt. This confirms the installation of Kafka Cluster is successful.








This example is demonstrating Kafka cluster configuration and replicated in single machine. Real world cluster can be created with different servers and each server have one Kafka broker.


Its not necessary to keep Zookeeper and Kafka both are in same server. Separating the Zookeeper and Kafka brokers’ cluster is the one of the best practices.


We have separate Zookeeper binaries to install standalone zookeeper.







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