- Liferay Basics
- What is a portal?
- What is a portlet container and explain more about it.
- What is a portlet?
- What are the prerequisites to set up the Liferay in your local machine?
- What is the current running version of Liferay?
- What are all Liferay versions?
- What is meant by GA in Liferay versions?
- What is meant by stable version and Beta version?
- What are the features of a portal?
- What is JSR?
- What is the difference between JSR 168 and JSR 286?
- Who framed these JSR 168 and JSR 286 standards?
- What is the difference between Portlet and Servlet?
- What is the use of a theme in Liferay?
- What is the use of layout in a portal?
- What are the advantages of the Liferay portal?
- What is the Differences between personalization and customization?
- What is the Difference between Authentication and Authorization?
- What is meant by collaboration?
- What is the use of portal-ext.properties file and how we can use in the Liferay portal?
- What is a Liferay portal instance?
- Can we configured multiple domains on a single Liferay instance and hook
- Portlet
- What is portlet?
- What is the Life Cycle of a portlet?
- How many portlet life cycle methods given by JSR 168 and what are they?
- How many portlet life cycle methods given by JSR 268 and what are they?
- What are the portlet modes and what is the use of the modes.
- What are the important descriptor files to run and manage the custom portlets in the Liferay portal?
- What are the key configurations we can place in portlet.xml file?
- What are the key configurations we can place in liferay-portlet.xml file?
- What are the key configurations we can place in liferay-display.xml file?
- What are the configurations we can place in the liferay-portlet-package.properties file?
- Where we can create a portlet category and segregate the portlet under that category.
- How can we register a portlet with the portlet container?
- How we can register the configuration page implementation class in a portlet.
- Where we can configure Language.properties file of a portlet and how to use the file properties in the portlet.
- What is meant by <instanceable>true</instanceable>?
- What is meant by <instanceable>false</instanceable>.
- How to configure multiple portlets in a single folder structure.
- How to Support Internationalization (i18n) On Liferay Portlets.
- How to use jQuery in the Liferay portlet
- What are the global files in a custom portlet w.r.t CSS and JS and where we configure in order to make availability of those files to the JSP files automatically (without including those in the JSP files)
- Draw the portlet autonomy
- What is the difference between render URL, action URL and resource URL in the Liferay portlet?
- What are the window states of a Liferay Portlet?
- What is portlet preferences?
- What is the structure of normal MVC portlet in Liferay?
- What is the structure of Spring MVC portlet in Liferay?
- Explain about the Liferay search container in the Liferay portlet
- Explain the process to implement Ajax calls in Liferay
- The process to create pop ups in Liferay portlet.
- Explain the process to create tabs in the Liferay portlet
- How can we read the portal properties in the portlet using Liferay API?
- How to embed a Liferay portlet in other non Liferay websites
- Liferay Hooks
- What is the use of an EXT in Liferay Portal?
- What is the use of a Hook in Liferay Portal?
- What is the difference between EXT and hooks
- How to override a portal services using hook.
- What are the disadvantages with the EXT.?
- What are the disadvantages with the Hook?
- How to override Liferay struts actions by the hook
- Liferay Service Builder
- What is a service builder?
- What is the use of namespace in service.xml file?
- What is the purpose of specifying local-service=true in service.xml file
- What is the purpose of specifying remote-service=true in service.xml file
- What are the service layers created by the service builder and explain them briefly.
- What is the process to define finder methods in the service builder?
- What is the process to define custom SQL methods in the service builder?
- When will be the database table will create in the given database w.r.t the service builder.
- Is there a build number associated to a portlet assigned by the service builder? Where can we find the current build number?
- What is the purpose of mode and persistence packages which are created by the Liferay service builder?
- Can we set multiple databases with Liferay Portal?
- Where you can write custom methods in auto generated service layer by service builder
- Explain the process to implement web services methods w.r.t generated service layer in Liferay.
- Explain generate native mobile Liferay service libraries in Liferay?
- Explain Liferay cache mechanism.
- How to disable Liferay cache to Liferay portal entities and custom entities.
- How disable Liferay cache to Finder methods.
- How to implement transaction roll back in Liferay services.
- What is Liferay Dynamic Query?
- What is different between findBy and fetchBy methods in Liferay services?
- Does Liferay Support Foreign Key relation?
- How to implement One to Many and Many to Many relationship in Liferay.
- What is Liferay Model Listeners and its importance?
- What is different between XXXLocalServices and XXXServices?
- What is PrincipalException in Liferay and when it occurred?
- How to expose one plugin services with other plugin?
- Can we implement multiple Data sources in Liferay and explain the mechanism to implement it.
- How to expose Liferay service as web services
- Explain how to generate web services in Liferay
- What Liferay Mobile SDK?
- Liferay Themes
- What is theme and explain the process to create a customized theme
- How to embed a portlet in a theme
- What is the use of theme settings in a theme .Explain with one use case?
- What is the CSS file we use to customize the portlet title, border colors?
- Draw anatomy of a theme
- How to place multiple themes in a single folder structure and what is the use of doing this with one use case
- What are the implicit variables in a theme velocity file?
- How to get the Liferay portal service classes in a theme velocity file
- What is the process to apply a theme to a page as well as a website?
- Explain Liferay Theme Setting.
- Explain what Liferay Theme color screams.
- What are the languages we can use to implement Liferay theme templates?
- Liferay Layouts
- How to create a layout in Liferay.
- Draw the anatomy of a layout.
- What is the process to apply a layout to a page?
- How to embed portlet in Layout?
- Liferay Administration
- What is role in Liferay?
- How many types of roles are exists in Liferay portal. What are they?
- What is Inherited Roles in Liferay?
- What is meant by user group?
- What is meant by Team?
- What is the difference between an organization and site?
- What is Location organization?
- Can we have multiple organizations with same name in Liferay portal?
- What is a site template?
- What is a page template?
- What is the process to assign a role to the user from control panel?
- What is the process to define permissions on a role?
- Explain about server administration
- How to install Liferay market place apps from the control panel
- How to uninstall a portlet from the server through control panel
- How to configure email server credentials in the control panel
- Explain the process of LDAP authentication in Liferay
- What is the process to see the portal properties in the control panel?
- What is DL (Document Library) in Liferay?
- How does Liferay document library implemented in Liferay and what is repository implementation Liferay using?
- Can we store documents and files in database in Liferay?
- How to change file system and its repositories in Liferay
- Others
- What is an IPC and how you can implement IPC in Liferay
- What are the differences between IPC using event and IPC using public render
- Explain about the structures, templates and article with real time scenario.
- Explain the Kaleo work flow management.
- How to implement workflow for custom entity?
- Explain SOLR Integration with Liferay.
- Explain how to implement SSO (Single Sign On) in Liferay.
- How many ways we can Implement SSO in Liferay.