have different kind of liferay applications such as plugins and
to plugins we have portlets,hooks,themes,layouts and webs.
Liferay Applications.
Applications Deployment
is a process in web application to place application archive
files(WAR, EAR) in application server deployment
directory and start the the application.
directory is place in application server there all the web
application are reside and running from there.
on application server the deployment directory may be change, lets
say in Tomcat Server deployment directory is “webapps”
Jboss “deployments” (jboss-7.1.1/standalone/deployments)
is deployment directory.
Archive Files
in web application development we will package all artifacts such as
files, Java classes, configuration files, properties file,deployment
descriptors and requires libraries and its directories as archive
J2EE development of web application we can see two kinds of Archive
Files such as EAR(Enterprise Archive Files) and WAR
(Web Archive Files).
Archive Files) are related Enterprise Java Beans Technology
based packaging and its required EJB containers to run
those applications.
(Web Archive Files) are related to J2EE based
Technology web application packaging and it also required respective
containers to run the applications.
package the web application artifact in single archive and these
files extension always be .war(HelloWorld.war,Sample.war)
Application Server recognize the .war
extension file so that it will process required steps to run the
on server properties web archive files(.war)
file will be unpackaged/exploded
once it placed in server deployment directories.
run any J2EE web applications they need respective technology
based containers to
provide run time environment to the applications.
when we deploy web applications we need to stop server and restart
the server to see the changes in the application.
we are deploy the applications in production servers so its not good
to down/stop servers. This is where we have a concept called “Hot
Deployment is one of the web applications deployment process where we
don't need to stop servers while deployment of web applications and
it will start the applications and we can see changes at run time.
the process of Hot Deployment there is specialized
directory to place web archive files
instead of directly placing into server
deployment directory.
we have web application we want deploy into different
application servers
and each application deployment process is different and we may need
to add some other configuration or supported libraries to make
successful deployment. This is typical task to deploy in different
servers, to make this work easy we have process called “Auto
deployment is one web application deployment process there we can
deploy web application into different application server and required
server dependent configuration and libraries will be added
to make successful deployment of application.
Deployment Details
also support two deployment capabilities such as
Hot Deployment and
Auto Deployment.
Hot Deployment:
Deployment process we can see in the J2EE severs environment and we
will place the application archive files(WAR,EAR) files in specially
configured directory and application server (Tomcat, WebSphere,
WebLogic, etc.) picks up that artifact, deploys it within the
application server, and starts the application
We already know liferay is also web application and its also packaged as .war file.
support “Hot Deployment”
Liferay Server Bundle have one directory called “deploy”
directory will be in “Liferay Home”
directory. We will deploy liferay archive files in “deploy”
and as soon as we placed web archive file in deploy directory then
Hot Deployment scanner
pick the file and placed in server deployment directory in addition
to this it will add required configuration to the application.
is good for development environment and deploy liferay applications
in single server production environment
and in this mode we need not restart server.
Hot Deployment
have limitation it wont work in multi-node
production deployment
and we have many constraints to deployment liferay applications in
multi node server environment.
we work with Multi Node/Multi Server production
we should make sure following things
Application Archive File should be available to all servers
should deploy successfully in all servers simultaneously
the multi server production environment we need design deployment
architecture so that it will complete deployment in all servers
we will use Admin Servers it will take to deploy application in all
remaining serves successfully and simultaneously this is called
master and slave architecture.
server provide different tools or admin console to do hot deployment
job in all servers.
“domain” mode
“production” mode
deployment manager
modes and tools reside completely outside of Liferay Portal and are
strictly in the application server’s realm. However, Liferay
piggybacks off the application server’s hot deploy capability and
performs additional initialization after a given application starts
(e.g., via javax.servlet.ServletContextListener mechanisms).
have different types of liferay plugin applications and all plugins
have hot deployment capabilities. If we deploy any liferay Plugin
applications such as portlet, hook,theme,layout and web then we need
not start server and the change will be applied.
are some specific Liferay capabilities that won’t work unless your
application server has hot deployment capabilities. Specifically, hot
deploying custom JSPs in hooks won’t work, because Liferay’s JSP
hook overriding capabilities depend on the application server’s
ability to:
based on an exploded portal WAR
changes to JSP files at runtime
when we deploy web archive(.war) files
in servers these web archive files are unpackaged/exploded in the
server deployment directory in the process successful deployment this
kind of behavior we will use mostly in local development environment.
the production/domain environment don’t use unpackaged/exploded
because of these some of liferay hooks not support hot
deployment capabilities such as Custom JSP hook. Production servers
don’t support JSP reloading/recompilation in these modes. Even for
Tomcat, it’s generally advisable to deactivate JSP reloading for
production deployments.
what do you do if you use hooks to override Liferay JSPs AND you must
use non-exploded WAR deployments? The answer is simple: inject a
pre-processing stage as part of your build process. You deploy the
hooks, allowing them to make changes to the portal WAR file. Then you
re bundle the portal WAR file and deploy it using the application
server’s deployment tools. Of course, you still need to deploy your
hook as well, but you no longer need to worry about the JSP overrides
not being loaded by your application server.
Auto Deployment:
Liferay Auto
deployment process is similar to hot deployment and its injecting
required jar files and deployment descriptors into web application
archive file at time of deployment. Liferay auto deployment also have
capabilities of hot deployment capabilities. Executing ant
deploy invokes both hot deployment and auto deployment tasks
for your plugin.
In the process of
Auto Deployment the followings task will be takes place.
Picks up a
Liferay recognized archive (e.g., *-portlet.*, *-theme.*, *-web.*,
Injects required
libraries (e.g., util-java.jar, util-taglib.jar)
Injects dependent
JAR files (specified in liferay-plugins.properties)
Injects required
taglib descriptors (e.g., liferay-theme.tld)
Injects required
deployment descriptors (e.g., app server specific descriptors)
Injects any
missing Liferay specific deployment descriptors (e.g.,
Auto deployment
helps us to successful deployment in different server environment
because it will automatically add server depended deployment
descriptors at time of deployment.
Liferay Auto
deployment also not compatible in the multi-node production
environments Do not use the auto deployment method at runtime; use it
at build time.
Generally when we
use ant deploy then it will invoke auto deployment tasks and we have
another ant target ant direct-deploy and The
direct-deploy Ant task creates an exploded WAR from which you can
easily create a WAR file. The location of the exploded WAR depends on
the deployment directory of the application server you’ve
configured in your Plugins SDK environment
direct-deploy create war file and inject all required jar
files and server dependent deployment descriptors then it will
directly placed war file in application server deployment directory
and server deployment directory information configure in
build.properties file.
Plugins SDK’s build.properties
provides a default deployment directory value for each supported app
server. But you can override the default value by specifying your
desired value for the app.server.[type].deploy.dir
[type] with your app server type) in your build.[username].properties
= /opt/LiferayWorkSpace62/bundles/tomcat-7.0.42/webapps
Liferay Plugin
applications support hot deployment capabilities so we need not to
start application server while deployment and changes will be applied
Liferay Plugin
Applications are packaged as web archive files that is .war
file and liferay application also packages as .lpkg When
we download any application from liferay market place we can see
portlet application extension as .lpkg and internally
.lpkg contains one or more .war files.
When you want deploy
external liferay application such as .war or .lpkg then
we simply place these files in liferay “deploy”
directory and this is available in “Liferay Home”
or we can change these directory path with the property
“auto.deploy.dir = ${app.server.parent.dir}/deploy”
this property in build.properties file of your Plugins
SDK and you can override this property in
build.[username].properties file
Liferay hot
deployment should be supported by application server then only
liferay applications can inherited those capabilities.
Liferay Hot
deployment can be successfully work in development environment and
single node production environment and these
capabilities are not compatible in multi node server
All applications
build related properties are available in Plugins SDK
build.properties files there you can choose server
environment and other environment related properties and we can also
override these properties in build.[username].properties
Liferay Auto
deployment process will take caring packaging application, inject
required jar filed and server supported deployment descriptors and
then deploy into application servers.
Liferay Auto
deployment is also successfully work in development and single node
production environment and its not compatible in multi-node
production server environment.
Each Liferay Plugin Application have different ant task such as ant deploy and ant direct-deploy. When we run ant deploy then it will invoke auto deploy and hot deploy tasks.
“ant deploy”
target perform tasks such as package as web archive file,inject
required jar files then place the war file in liferay “deploy”
directory. As soon as application war file placed in deploy directory
then hot deployment scanner will perform necessary steps to complete
the application deployment success.
direct-deploy” target perform tasks such as package as web
archive file,inject required jar files and inject server dependent
deployment descriptors then place the WAR file in server deployment
Liferay development
in development environment and single node production environment is
pretty straight forward way but when we work with production
environment and multi-node server environment we need to put some
additional effort to complete successful deployments.