Liferay Portlet Displaying AUI Date Time.
Display date time and date with different ways in liferay development.
I have displayed date and date time using life ray dete
picker. Liferay date picker display date with minimal code in jsp so that we
can display date or calendar in different ways.
I have created different dates or calendar in different ways
and in back end means action class I collected selected date.
I have collected date in different ways like direct date format,
date as string format and date as mille seconds,
Download the liferay
portlet from following URL
I am providing war
file and source code portlet. You can
directly place war file your liferay portal deploy folder it will be deployed.
The port let available in sample category as Display
Date Action.
The following is sample code to display date:
The following is
jsp code
<%@ taglib
uri="" prefix="aui" %>
<div id="myDatePicker" class="aui-datepicker aui-datepicker-display
name="startDateHidden" id="startDateHidden"
value="" ></aui:input>
var startDatePicker;
function(A) {
startDatePicker=new A.DatePickerSelect(
appendOrder: ['m', 'd', 'y'],
calendar: {
dateFormat: '%m/%d/%Y',
function submitForm(){
var startDate;
var endDate;"#<portlet:namespace/>startDateHidden").
set('value',startDatePicker.calendar.getFormattedSelectedDates ()[0]);
Action class
getting date:
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
startDate=ParamUtil.getDate(actionRequest,"startDateHidden", dateFormat);
Important Points:
- Display only date using AUI library
- Display Date in different formats
- Display date and time using AUI and liferay Time tag.
- Get the date in action class in different formats.
- Validate two dates.
- I have done this in liferay 6.1 CE. If you are using other version simple use my code.
- All out put you can see in console. In console you can see all information.
- For more details you can walk through jsp code and action class code.
Screen Shots:
The following are reference