have given many tag libraries to make development easy and rapid.
Liferay have developed their own tag libraries which we can use
extensively in liferay development.
is Tag Library?
library is set of JSP tags and each tag have its own syntax and
required attributes.
is JSP Tag?
tag is way to avoid the writing repeated code snippets in the JSP
pages. Each tag have its own piece of presentation markup(html/java
script/css/java code) code which can be encapsulates
as a separate part and it will be identify by the specific notation
called Tag.
we use the tag in the JSP page it will be replaced by respective code
snippet/presentation markup at the time of page rendering.
we work with JSP pages we aware of JavaServer Pages Standard
Tag Library (JSTL)
is JSTL?
Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) is a collection
of useful JSP tags which encapsulates core functionality common to
many JSP applications.
have many tag libraries in JSTL and the following are JSTL tag
- Core Tags
- Formatting tags
- SQL tags
- XML tags
- JSTL Functions
Tag Libraries Artifacts
we work with tag libraries we have three artifacts we need to
- Tag Library Description(TLD)
- Tag Library URI
- Tag Library Implementation JAR file
Library Description(TLD)
tag library have its own Tag Library Description(TLD) file and its a
xml file consist of tag information like tag name, tag attributes,
what attributes are required and what are optional.
Library URI
Library URI is unique URL to identify the tag library,this
will be used in JSP page to import tag libraries and we will use Tag
Library URI in application deployment descriptor(web.xml) to
integrate tag library with application. Tag Library URI is
represented in TLD file.
Library Implementation JAR file
Library Implementation JAR file is a jsp tags implementation java
classes make it as JAR file and we need to add this jar file in
application class path that is application lib
directory or other server lib directory.
of JSP Tag Libraries
We already know JSP
tag libraries are used only in JSP pages. If we want
use JSP tag Libraries in Web application JSP pages then we have to
follow set of following steps.
- Register Tag Library in Application Deployment Descriptor(web.xml)
- Add Tag Library TLD file in WEB-INF directory
- Add Tag Library Implementation JAR file in Application Class Path
- Refer Tag Library URI in JSP page
Tag Library in Application Deployment Descriptor(web.xml)
First we need to
register tag libraries in application web.xml file so
that application can use tag in the JSP pages. When we register Tag
libraries in web.xml we need to know tag library URI
and Location of TLD file.
following is registering tab libraries in web.xml file
Configuration should
be enclosed by <jsp-config/> tag. In the above
configuration we have registered two tag libraries.
Tag Library TLD file in WEB-INF directory
We need to add Tag
Library TLD file in the application WEB-INF directory. We can
directly place in WEB-INF or we can create separate directory and we
can place there. Make sure the path of TLD file that we have given in
web.xml file to register tag library.
Tag Library Implementation JAR file in Application Class Path
Every tag library
have its implementation java JAR file and this should be available in
application class path that is WEB-INF/lib directory.
Implementation JAR files:
Tag Library URI in JSP page
Its final step where
we need to refer tag library in JSP page so that we can use
respective tags in the JSP pages.
following is the way to refer Tag Library in JSP page
<%@ taglib
uri="" prefix="portlet"
We need to give the
tag library URI path that is available in TLD file and we will use prefix
name to identify the tag library in the JSP page.
Usage of Tab Library Tags in JSP Page
taglib uri=""
prefix="portlet" %>
var="sendUserNotification" windowState="normal"
We will use prefix
name to each tag notation and each tag may have attributes and we
need to pass it in the tag.
JSP Tag Libraries
Apart from JSTL tag
libraries Liferay also implemented their own tag libraries which we
will use in liferay plugins development.
Liferay have many
tag libraries for different contextual use and each tag libraries
have collection of tags we can use in JSP pages to make it good
presentation and rapid UI development.
following are the Liferay Tag Libraries
- Portlet Tag Library
- Liferay Portlet
- Liferay Security
- Liferay AUI
- Liferay UI
- Liferay Util
Each tag library
have many tags and its based on usage its made it as different
Of Liferay Tag Libraries in Portlet Development
When we work with
Plugin portlet development we extensively use the liferay tag
libraries and its tags in the JSP pages.
Here interesting
thing is Liferay Tag Libraries registering with portlet will be take
care by the liferay auto deployment process so we need
not to do manually registering the tag libraries.
Only we need to
refer tag library URI information in the JSP page so that we can use
tags in the JSP page.
following is referring all Liferay Tag Libraries in the JSP page
taglib uri=""
prefix="portlet" %>
taglib uri="" prefix="aui"
taglib uri=""
prefix="liferay-portlet" %>
taglib uri=""
prefix="liferay-security" %>
taglib uri=""
prefix="liferay-theme" %>
taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui"
taglib uri=""
prefix="liferay-util" %>
Usage of Liferay Tag from Portlet Tag Library in the JSP page
<%@ taglib
uri="" prefix="portlet"
var="sendUserNotification" windowState="normal"
following is reference links to know each and every liferay JSP tag
Library have many tags and that will be used in our portlet
does Liferay Auto Deployment Process Registering the Liferay Tag
Libraris in the Portlet plugin
When we create
portlet from Liferay IDE there is no information in portlet web.xml
file related to liferay tag libraries and no JAR file in
portetl Lib directory and No TLD file in Portlet WEB-INF directory.
Once we deploy the
portlet then portlet will be deployed in the application server
deployment directory
If we use Tomcat
then we can see portlet deployed in webapps
Find your Poertlet
in webapps directory and open web.xml file then you can
see following configuration. Which shows that its registered all
Liferay Tag Libraries
Now Open Portlet
WEB-INF directory then you can see tld directory once
you look into tld directory then you can see all
liferay tag libraries tld files.
Tag Library TLD files
As we know each tag
library have its own implementation jar file. Liferay also implemented java classes for all libraries and made it as one jar file called util-taglib.jar
and it will be available in portlet lib
From above all
observations we can understand that in the liferay portlet
development we no need to do any manual configuration to register
the liferay tag libraries and Liferay auto deployment process
will take all necessary configuration to make use of liferay tag
libraries in portlet development that is in jsp pages.
Liferay Auto
deployment process only resisted the Liferay tag libraries in the
portlet not JSTL tag libraries.
JSTL Tag Libraries in Liferay Portlet Plugin
As we know liferay
auto deployment is only configure the liferay tag libraries
but we also have many useful tag libraries that is JSTL tag
libraries. When we want use JSTL tag libraries such as
Core Tags ,Formatting tags ,SQL tags ,XML tags ,JSTL Functions
then we are the responsible to register the JSTL tag libraries
in the portlet development.
Assume we want
to use JSTL core tag library
JSTL tag Libraries in the Portlet Development Using Liferay IDE
Liferay IDE provide
very easy way to configure the JSTL tag libraries in Plugin Portlet
Go to your Plugin
portlet in the eclipse project explorer
Double Click on
“” file its
in portlet WEB-INF directory.
we open this file it will be open in “properties” view
mode as follows
You can see two
inputs fields “Portal Dependency Jars” and “Portal
Dependency Tlds” and we can also have Add buttons.
As we know when we work with tag libraries we need tag library implementation JAR file and Tag library TLD file.
jstl-impl.jar” are the JAR
files that was implemented the JSTL tag library and its have
different TLD files like c.tld
for JSTL core tags.
“Portal Dependency Jar”
section click on Add button
then it will open dialog there you can find available JAR files list
and search for “jstl-api.jar,jstl-impl.jar”
files and select both files and
then click on OK .
following screen shows you adding JSTL jar files
“Portal Dependency Tlds”
section click on Add button
then it will open dialog there you can have available JAR files list
and search for “c.tld” file
and select it then click on OK .
following screen shows you adding JSTL TLD files
We have added JAR
files and TLD file finally you can save the file(Ctrl+S).
The following screen
shows added dependency jar files and dependency TLD files in the
The following is
source view of “”
Liferay Plugin
Portlet development when we need portal dependency jar files or other
files like tld we will use
“” file and
the following is configuration.
When we configure
portal dependency jar files or tld files in
“” file
then liferay auto deployment process will copy specified JAR files
and TLD files from Liferay Portal and Place into the Plugin Portlet
appropriate locations like jar files will be placed in the portlet
“WEB-INF/lib” directory and TLD files will be
placed in the portlet “WEB-INF/tld” directory.
We have configured
the JSTL tag libraries in our portlet, now we can use JSTL core tags
in JSP pages .
following is example code in JSP page to use JSTL Core tags
taglib uri="" prefix="c"
test="<%= MicroblogsPermission.contains(permissionChecker,
scopeGroupId, ActionKeys.ADD_ENTRY) && !userPublicPage %>">
How Liferay Auto
Deployment Process Configure JSTL Tag Libraries.
Once we add
dependency jar files and dependency tld files in
“” file
then following things takes places after successful deployment of
portler and these we can observed in deployed portlet in server
deployment directory .
Go to tomcat webapps
directory and find you pottlet then you can see following things
Find your Poertlet
in webapps directory and open web.xml file then you can see following
configuration. Which shows that its registered all Liferay Tag
Now Open Portlet
WEB-INF directory then you can see tld directory once you look into
tld directory then you can see c.tld file
As we know each tag
library have its implementation jar file. JSTL implementation jar
files called “jstl-api.jar, jstl-impl.jar” and it
will be available in portlet lib
From above all
observations we can understand that liferay portlet development when
want add JSTL tag libraries we just need to specify the dependency
jar files and dependency tld files in the
“” file
then Liferay auto deployment process will take all necessary
configuration to make use of JSTL tag libraries in portlet
development that is in jsp pages.
Configuration to Use JSTL Tag Library in Plugin Portlet.
- Configure JSTL tag information in web.xml
- Add JSTL Implementation JAR file in Portlet lib Directory
- Add JST td file in portlet WEB-INF directory
- Refer Tag Library in JSP page