Liferay Savvy is a place to
get more knowledge about liferay technology. Liferay Savvy was started in
September 2012. Savvy is a word which conveys meaning like one who expert in particular area. Liferay Savvy makes the people
expert in Liferay Technology.
main motive of Liferay Savvy is to share knowledge to people. The name Liferay
Savvy is just my idea that leads to create a web site and now I am able to
share my liferay stuff to liferay lovers. When I started this web site I just
have 2 years of experience in liferay. At the beginning of my liferay career,
when I search for liferay stuff there is only one web site that is liferay web
site and its documentation. Liferay already have lot of documentations and more
examples about portal technology. Besides Liferay, Liferay Savvy is also adds
some more value added stuff to liferay technology.
main reason to start this web site is to simplify learning of liferay
technologies, as a beginner it is very difficult to understand whole liferay.
It is true when I read some experts blogs some time I did not get whole stuff
because they have used many technical terms and very high level manner.
need to make beginners to habituate to liferay terminology gradually so that we
can make them to understand some complex stuff .When we start any technology
first we need basics and fundamentals. If you good at those, defiantly you can
lead and conquer any technology as a expert. I believe this and I want make the
people to lead technology world with the help of liferay savvy.
to beginners they can’t understand whole stuff at a time, for that reason I
came up with Liferay Savvy and I am trying to make it as simpler as much as
Once people are habituate to liferay then people can understand more complex stuff.
This is the main reason I have given example for each post this makes us practical
experience with liferay. Of course all we can’t make it live examples even I am
trying to give most of the concepts as live examples.
trust that people will like Liferay
Savvy Motive and Idea and I believe that people will notice Liferay Savvy Goals.
Liferay Savvy
Technology Experience
Knowledge Hub Provider
Experts for Technology World
“World may forget you but it can’t forget your motive and idea.”
“World may forget you but it can’t forget your motive and idea.”
you all.
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