Objective of the article is providing development steps
for custom DDM field development. Assume we will implement Mobile number custom field
and it contain field validation and set of settings attributes.
GitHub Source
Gradle Module
Maven Module
The following are steps
- Create OSGi module
- Copy original AUI JS modules source code to created module
- Add Liferay-JS-Config header in bnd file
- Create config.js file
- Add Custom Filed Information in “AVAILABLE_FIELDS” List
- Create custom component plugin
- Implementing required OSGi component java classes
- Implement required DDM FTL templates
- Build and Deploy
- Validating Custom field
have different ways to create Liferay OSGi modules and we need to create mvc-portlet
Liferay OSGi module. While creating Liferay OSGi module need to select mvc-portlet
project template. It will create basic rest module.
Copy original AUI JS modules source code
to created module
Copy main.js and custom_field.js files
form original module to created module under “/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/js”
Change names to “custom_fields_override.js” and
“main_override.js” and edit the files AUI definition names. It
should require to change AUI definition name to distinguish from original
AUI/YUI definition names.
Example of “main_override.js” after changing
the definition name.
A => {
Example of “custom_fields_override.js” after
changing the definition name
A => {
Now add your JavaScript modification to these files.
Add Liferay-JS-Config header in bnd file
“Liferay-JS-Config” is OSGi header and its based-on
extender pattern. At run time with header OSGi container will override the
original AUI JavaScript with modified JavaScript.
Example module of bnd.bnd file
Liferay-JS-Config: /META-INF/resources/js/config.js
Create config.js file
Create “config.js” file under module “src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/js”.
Config.js files have information like modified AUI/YUI JavaScript file location
and its original AUI module definition names. This will help OSGi runtime to
load modified version AUI JavaScript.
Add Custom Filed Information in “AVAILABLE_FIELDS”
It is required to add custom field information in main_overriden.js
//add field type to this list
iconClass: 'number',
label: 'Mobile Number',
type: 'ddm-mobile-number'
Create AUI Component Plugin
Custom AUI Field component plugin will consist of
field attributed and its look and feel editors.
Need to add following component creation code in “custom_fields_override.js”
Follow below link for more details
Implementing required OSGi component java classes
Following are basic OSGi components which required for
DDM custom field. We really don’t need to implement everything and we can get
original code from portal source and then modify some piece of code.
Follow below link for more details
Implement required DDM FTL templates
Custom field is required few ftl templates to
render fields in the web content.These templates related code in “DDMFormFieldRenderer” component class. “default.ftl” is template will render in read
only while rendering web content.
Custom field template ftl file have all render logic
which configured while creating field. Field type name defined in “DDMFormFieldType” component
should be with ddm-*. Example of filed type name is “ddm-mobile-number”. Template name should be without ddm-, it means
template name should be “mobile-number.ftl”.
Example of FTL template name and field
type name
Build and Deploy
mvn clean install
mvnw clean install
gradlew build
gradle build
bundle support plugin already added in project build file then it will deploy
to Liferay Module Framework with following commands
following bundle support plugin in module “build.gradle” file
liferay {
liferayHome = "C:/Liferay/Liferay7.2/liferay-workspace/bundles"
deployDir = file("${liferayHome}/osgi/modules")
module command
gradlew deploy
gradle deploy
bundle support plugin in module “pom.xml” file and update liferay home path.
following maven goals to deploy module
mvn bundle-support:deploy
mvnw bundle-support:deploy
sure module jar should be in osgi/module directory and it should be in
active state in Liferay Module framework. Use Gogo shell commands to check
module status
is available in “osgi/modules”
Validating Custom field
- Crete structure
- Create web content
- Configure Web content display widget
Login as portal Admin --> Control
Panel --> Content
& Data -->Web content -->Structures --> Click Add
Provide Name and add mobile number fields.
Update field setting values as per your need. Mobile
number field have few custom settings as follows.
Custom CSS Class:
Its custom CSS class that need to apply for field.
Validation Message:
Custom message for validation. You can change message for each field.
Validation Regex:
This regex patter that you wanted to apply for field validation.
Field Width: It
provides three option like small, medium and large.
If you have any Regex pattern JS error then
use escape chars in the input of Regex.
Example if the regex have / char then apply
/^(\\+\\d{1,3}[- ]?)?\\d{10}$/i
Save the structure and create new web content with newly
created structure.
Create web content
Control Panel --> Content
& Data --> Web content--> Click Add --> Select Structure
Provide Name and Mobile Number field data.
Here is actual validation will fire based on custom
field implementation. Once provided the valid data then publish web content.
Configure Web content display widget
Create new page and add web content display widget to
the page.
Click widget configuration
Select newly created web content and save it
Finally you can see the custom field data in the web
content display widget with default template view.
We can also create web content template to structure to
make more look and feel.