Sunday, July 4, 2021

Liferay Portal Apache Webserver Integration

Install Apache webserver

Enable mod_jk apache module

Install Liferay

Modify Liferay tomcat server configuration

Configure mod_jk and worker properties

Verify Integration


Objective of this article to demonstrate integration of Apache webserver and Liferay Portal server. It will provide complete information on enable load balance among Liferay portal servers from apache webserver. We will use mod_jk apache tomcat connector to enable communication and load balance between apache webserver and Liferay portal tomcat server.

To replicate environment in single machine, I will run two Liferay portal instances on two different http and AJP ports. AJP ports will be used for communicate with apache webserver.


Software’s and Tools

Apache 2.4

Windows 10

Liferay 7.4



Install Apache webserver

Download latest Apache webserver from Apache Haus website and install in machine.

Follow below article to install Apache webserver in windows 10 machine.


Enable mod_jk apache module


We will use mod_jk module to communicate between apache webserver and application server through AJP protocol.

Follow below article to enable mod_jk module in Apache webserver.


Install Liferay

Download latest Liferay portal community edition from following Liferay website.

Liferay and tomcat server comes with bundle so we can download Liferay tomcat portal bundle from below link.


Download Liferay 7.4 CE tomcat bundle from above download page.

We are going start two instances, so we have to extract the bundle two different directories.

Extract the 7z file rename directory name to “liferay-ce-portal-7.4.1-ga2-node1

Extract one more time and rename directory to “liferay-ce-portal-7.4.1-ga2-node2



Modify Liferay tomcat server configuration

It’s required to change http connector port, Server port, Redirect ports and AJP connector port in tomcat server.xml file as we are running both instances in same machine. In the real-world case, we run only portal server instance per machine most of the times.

Liferay Node1 Configuration


Open Liferay portal node1 server.xml file and update ports.

Server port


<Server port="8006" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">



Http connector


<Connector port="8090" protocol="HTTP/1.1"


               redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />



AJP Connector


<!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->


    <Connector protocol="AJP/1.3"



               redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" secretRequired="false"/>



Update “jvmRoute” value in server.xml and it should be unique value.



Update Node1 conext.xml file and add “sessionCookieName” for context. This will distinguish node values when you access in browser. We can identify which node request is serving. Default value is JSESSIONID but I have changed to LRSESSIONID.





AJP port: 8009

HTTP Port: 8090

Server Port: 8006

Redirect Port: 8443

jvmRoute: liferay-node1

sessionCookieName: LRSESSIONID




Liferay Node2 Configuration


Open Liferay portal node2 server.xml file and update ports.



Server port


<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">



Http connector


<Connector port="8091" protocol="HTTP/1.1"


               redirectPort="7443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />



AJP Connector


<!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 7009 -->


    <Connector protocol="AJP/1.3"



               redirectPort="7443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" secretRequired="false"/>



Update “jvmRoute” value in Node2 server.xml and it should be unique value.



Update Node2 conext.xml file and add “sessionCookieName” for context. This will distinguish node values when you access in browser. We can identify which node request is serving. Default value is JSESSIONID but I have changed to LRSESSIONID.




AJP port: 7009

HTTP Port: 8091

Server Port: 8005

Redirect Port: 7443

jvmRoute: liferay-node2

sessionCookieName: LRSESSIONID




Configure mod_jk and worker properties

Apache used the mod_jk module to connect with tomcat server through AJP ports.

Its required to create file in the apache configuration and need to defined two workers. We are running two tomcat servers so its required two worker properties. We use the mod_jk load balancer to traffic requests between two tomcat servers.

Create file in Apache conf directory.


Add following worker properties in file.




#Define the list of workers you have







# List Liferay Tomcat Server's in the cluster




# Set Worker


# Liferay Portal Server Node1





# Liferay Portal Server Node2








We have defined two workers “liferay-node1 and liferay-node2” and these names should match with “jvmroute” attribute value in tomcat server.xml file.

Ports should match with AJP port value in tomcat server.xml and host name are server host names in our case its localhost

sticky_session value 1 make sure its always go to same node when application need session management.

Update mod_jk configuration in Apache. We already enabled mod_jk module and open mod_jk.conf and update with below configuration.

Mod_jk.conf configuration

Its required to load worker.properites and JkMount /* value should match with “worker.list” value “loadbalancer” in




LoadModule jk_module "${SRVROOT}/modules/"


<IfModule jk_module>

    JkWorkersFile ${SRVROOT}/conf/

    JkLogFile "${SRVROOT}/logs/mod_jk.log

    JkLogStampFormat "[%b %d %Y - %H:%M:%S] "

    JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"

    JkLogLevel info

    JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories

    JkMount /* loadbalancer






Verify Integration

Start Apache Server

Open window command prompt locates to Apache24 bin directory and run httpd.exe


Start Liferay Portal Servers

Open command prompt locates the Liferay Portal tomcat bin directory and run startup.bat and it will launch server console.


Liferay Node1 Startup







Liferay Node2 Startup







Access below URL and make sure Liferay Portal Node1 started successfully.



Access below URL and make sure Liferay Portal Node2 started successfully.


Access Liferay portal with below URLs in browser and LRSESSIONID specify the node name. Browser inspect element can see the LRSESSIONID. If we observer the URL does not have port number so it confirms that configuration is working as expected.











When you access portal first time it will ask you to complete basic configuration and follow the steps.

Objective of this article showing mod_jk connecting to Liferay portal servers and each instance start with default HSQL database. Ideally all instances should connect with same database.

We are running two Liferay Portal instances same machine so we may see embedded elastic server port issue in one of the instance logs. Ideally, we will use remote elastic search instead of embedded elastic search.

Static content is still serving from Portal Tomcat server but real work application all static content is serving from Apache webserver.

There are many mod_jk properties existed and refer apache or tomcat documentations for more information.



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