Monday, July 12, 2021

Install Elastic Search Cluster

Elastic search is open-source distributed search and analytics engine based on Lucene search engine. It’s completely Restful implementation and easy to use.

Elastic search is core of Elastic stack and there are many products from elastic stack.

Example demonstrating 3 nodes elastic search cluster.



Software’s and Tools


Windows 10

Java 1.8 or higher




Download and Extract

Go to elastic search download page and click on below links to download “elasticsearch-7.13.3” to your local machine.


Direct download link

Extract downloaded elastic search zip file to local drive.


Elastic Search Cluster

Elastic Search Node1

Open command prompt and locate elastic search bin directory and use below start command to start elastic search Node1 in the cluster.


Need to provide Cluster Name, Node Name, Data and Logs path as parameters.



elasticsearch.bat -Epath.logs=log1




We can see logs in the console which confirms the elastic search startup and its ports numbers.


We just started first node it elected as Master Node and It uses the 9300 port for discovery in the cluster. Rest services can be accessed on 9200 port.

Elastic Search Node2

Open second command prompt and locate to elastic search bin directory and use above start command.



elasticsearch.bat -Epath.logs=log2



We can see logs in the console which confirms the elastic search startup and its ports numbers.


Node2 uses the 9301 port for discovery port in the cluster. Master node will identify the node2 and it will join in the cluster. Rest services can be accessed on 9201 port.



Node 1 Master node we can see the information that Node2 joined in the cluster.



Elastic Search Node2

Open 3rd command prompt and use below start command to stat elastic search Node3



elasticsearch.bat -Epath.logs=log3



Startup logs confirms the Node3 startup.

Node3 uses the 9302 port for discovery port in the cluster. Master node will identify the node3 and it will join in the cluster. Rest services can be accessed on 9202 port.

Node 1 Master node we can see the information that Node3 joined in the cluster.


Cluster Information


Discovery Port

Rest Access





Node1 Rest Access






Access above URL and it will return JSON data which contains the node details


Node2 Rest Access



Access above URL and it will return JSON data which contains the node details

Node2 Rest Access


Access above URL and it will return JSON data which contains the node details


Check Cluster Health

We can use any one of below URL to check elastic cluster health.









Now we have successfully completed setup elastic cluster. We can see node specific Data and Logs directories in the rood directory of Elastic search.




We can use any node Rest access to do elastic operations like create document and search. Follow elastic search quick start guide to know more about operations.






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