Provide full detailed information about Liferay
Service Builder Underlying Concept.
is Liferay Service Builder?
Liferay service builder is a tool which will
generate the service layer to Plugin portlets. By using this service layer we
can interact with database and perform data base CRUD operations.
Service builder tool is reduce the developer
effort when they develop the service layer to portlet.
is service layer?
Service layer is set of java classes and interfaces
which implement the database interaction logic.
Data base interaction is like connecting to
database, insert data, delete data and update data in database tables.
When we implement any service classes or database interaction
logic to portlet we may need to write same kind of code in many portlets i.e. data
base interaction CRUD operations.
To avoid this same effort for each portlet, service
builder tool will generate the all common data base interaction classes and interfaces
so that we can reduce developer effort and we simple use generated classes to
perform the database interactions.
does Service Builder Tool implement the service layer?
Builder uses the spring and hibernate integration Data
Access Objects implementation mechanism in short we can call it as DAO implementation.
Here Service Builder Tool will use the spring and hibernate
technology to develop service layer to Plugin portlet.
Artifacts in Service Layer
- Persistence/DAO classes
- Model/POJO
- Service Classes
Persistence/DAO classes will provide the direct data
base interaction like insert, delete and update the data in table. such kind of
logic will be present in this classes.
Conceptually for each table we have one persistence
class that will interact with table. Here actual data base interaction code will
be present.
As we know that to interact with database we need hibernate/jdbc in java. Persistence/DAO
classes we will get the session factory object and from that we will open session,
with that session object we will do all database interactions, once we finish
all tasks we will close the session.
The model or POJO classes will used to pass the data
from application layer to database. In the ORM/Hibernate context each row in
tables is one model or POJO object. This row we will represent as Model/POJO class.
This is simple java bean or java class has setters and getters methods.
The session always use this object to pass data to
table and same way it get the data from table and fill in pojo/model object.
At the time of database interaction we call this
object as Persistence object. The persistence object is java bean it will bind
with table’s rows when we open session to respective table.
Service classes will be separate the application
layer and direct Data base interaction layer. Before inserting data if any
business logic is requires then we will use this service classes
After perform
the business logic then we will call DAO classes to interact with database.
We can use one service class and there we will
create many DAO objects to interact with many tables in database.
are the required things to build service layer?
- Data Source
- Configure All Model classes in Hibernate mapping files
- Session factory
- Configure All Service Implementation classes in spring configuration files
- Load all configuration files in spring context
As a developer we need not to do anything which I
have spoken above. Conceptually I am giving idea and Service Builder will do
all configurations which I specified earlier.
All configuration files can be visible in portlet /WEB-INF/src/META-INF directory
Data source will provide the database connection
details like drives class, connection URL and user’s credentials to connect to
data base.
Example for data source configuration as follows and
liferay has its own data source implementation class.
<bean id="liferayDataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy">
<property name="targetDataSource" ref="liferayDataSourceWrapper" />
<bean id="liferayDataSourceImpl" class="com.liferay.portal.dao.jdbc.spring.DataSourceFactoryBean">
<property name="propertyPrefix" value="jdbc.default."
<bean id="liferayDataSourceWrapper" class="com.liferay.portal.dao.jdbc.util.DataSourceWrapper">
<constructor-arg ref="liferayDataSourceImpl" />
In above configuration we can see property prefix jdbc.default for data
source .database configuration properties should start with jdbc.default.
If we want
change database connection details we need to configure these details in portal-ext.proprties
file and this file should be places in Liferay
Home directory
The following example for data source configuration
for MySQL database in portal-ext.proprties file
This configuration you can see in the following
location in liferay portal and data source common for all portlets in liferay
until we configure new data source for portlet.
For entire liferay
portal will use default data source and as soon as we start the liferay portal then
the data source will be ready, this data source we can use in any portlet. We
can also define new data source in portlet when ever need to connect to another
All Model classes in Hibernate mapping files
Hibernate mapping file is responsible to mapping
model/pojo classes with respective data base tables.
Session factory uses this file and it loads all model/pojo
classes’ objects in session factory and it will give to the session when the respective
session is opened for database tables.
In liferay we have two kinds of session factories
- Portal Session Factory
- Portlet Session Factory
Session Factory
Portal Session Factory is responsible for load all
portal related model/pojo objects. When we open session using portal session factory
then it can interact with all tables which are in portal level.
We can see the available portal level tables and its
model classes in the portal-hbm.xml
file. Portal session factory read this xml file and load all model object.
The following is portal level session
factory configuration
<bean id="liferayHibernateSessionFactory"
<property name="dataSource"
ref="liferayDataSource" />
<bean id="liferaySessionFactory"
<property name="sessionFactoryClassLoader">
<bean class="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PortalClassLoaderUtil"
factory-method="getClassLoader" />
<property name="sessionFactoryImplementor"
ref="liferayHibernateSessionFactory" />
You can see the liferay session factory
configuration in the following location
You can see all portal level model classes and it’s mappings
in portal-hbm.xml
in the following location
Session Factory:
Portlet session factory is individual to each Plugin
portlet. This session factory configuration done within portlet configuration
files i.e. hibernate-spring.xml this
file we can see in portlet WEB-INF/src/META-INF
Session factory get Model/POJO classes information
from portlet-hbm.xml files. Portlet
Session Factory is responsible to load all model objects which are related to
portlet level.
When we open session from portlet session factory then the
session can interact with only the tables which are related to portlet.
The following is session factory configuration for
id="liferayHibernateSessionFactory" class="com.liferay.portal.kernel.spring.util.SpringFactoryUtil"
<constructor-arg value="com.liferay.portal.spring.hibernate.PortletHibernateConfiguration"
<map><entry key="dataSource"
value-ref="liferayDataSource" /></map>
<bean id="liferaySessionFactory"
value="com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.hibernate.PortletSessionFactoryImpl" />
<entry key="dataSource"
value-ref="liferayDataSource" />
<entry key="sessionFactoryClassLoader"
value-ref="portletClassLoader" />
<entry key="sessionFactoryImplementor"
value-ref="liferayHibernateSessionFactory" />
When we interact with Portal level database table in
Plugin portlet we will get some kind of challenges.
The following is link which will explain the all
possible challenges and it solutions
Configure All Service Implementation classes
in spring configuration files
Now we need to configure all DAO and Service classes
in spring configuration files so that it will ready to use when portlet context
is ready.
To do this we need to configure all service classes
in spring-portlet.xml
file which is available in portlet WEB-INF/src/META-INF
The following is example bean configuration for
portlet services
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<bean id="com.meera.db.service.StudentLocalService"
<bean id="com.meera.db.service.StudentService"
<bean id="com.meera.db.service.persistence.StudentPersistence"
class="com.meera.db.service.persistence.StudentPersistenceImpl" parent="basePersistence" />
<bean id="com.meera.db.service.persistence.StudentFinder"
parent="basePersistence" />
is happening when we run service builder for portlet?
When we run service builder in liferay portlet, it
will create all hibernate and spring configuration files and data base service
interaction java classes and interfaces.
The following are main things and it will generate
after we run service builder
directory (docroot\WEB-INF\service):
This is directory for service layer related interface
and java classes will be created here
The following is example screen to show
service directory.
directory (docroot\WEB-INF\sql):
Service builder create the sql directory and places
the all required sql script for portlet i.e table creation scripts, indexes
The following is example screen for sql
directory and portlet sql scripts.
jar file:
All service classes and interfaces will be packaged
in service jar file and the name of jar file like portlaName-service.jar file this jar file will be places in portlet
lib directory. This jar is help us when we want share portlet services in other
portlet contexts.
The following is screen to show portlet
service jar file in lib directory
All implementation classes will be generated in
portlet src directory.
The following daigram shows
model implementation classes in src directory of portlet.
The following screen showed service implementation
and Persistence Implementation directories and there we can see all
implementation classes
All spring and hibernate configuration created in WEB-INF\src\META-INF
The following screen shows spring and hibernate
configuration files for portlet.
This file is especially for provide some configurations
to services and it will be created in portlet WEB-INF\src directory. Some of the properties are used to control
service layer.
The following screen to show service.properties
file in portlet
does portlet service layer is working?
- When we run service build then service builder will be create all java classes and required xml configurations.
- In xml configuration are like session factory, data source and all service layer implementation beans registration in hibernate and spring configuration files.
- As soon as we deploy the portlet then all configurations will be loaded by spring context. Then spring context is responsible for load session factory, data source and other serve implementation classes.
- Spring will use Inversion of control to create objects and make it available to application or portlet.
- Now portlet can interact with database by using service objects because its already available to use.
- As developer we need to get services from service Util classes and model classes to interact with database.
- We have many methods in Util classes we can use those methods to perform database operations.
This is conceptual understanding about service builder
and I will show example portlet in next coming post.
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