Configure SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for Liferay
is SSL?
SSL is secured socket layer which secure our
application data in the network means it
will protect application data while are exchanging data from web browsers to
web servers.SSL is mechanism to protect application data when it travel in the
network.SSL use the https protocol in the network
have two protocols
is simple protocol we use in web applications to communicate client and
is same like http but this protocol will work in the secure socket layer so
that application data can be protected while data travel in the network.
we send any request using https protocol it need SSL help to protect data.
SSL is working?
SSL use the https protocol to communicate client
with server with secured layer and to make it work we need SSL certificates
is SSL certificate?
SSL certificate is like information which contain
the public key, private key and data Encryption algorithm information.
This information will used by server to encrypt data
and decrypt data when the client and server communication is occurred.
Similarly Clint also uses same information to encrypt and decrypt the request
and response data.
This public and private key information shared by Client
and Server when Server and Clint are in the communication.
SSL Working Mechanism
- We already know SSL uses the Https protocol in the client server communication.
- When it is https protocol communication then application data will travel in secure layer in the network.
- When client send the request to server before request travel in network then request data will be encrypted by using SSL certificate information. This certificate provides the encryption algorithm and public key and private to encrypt the data.
- Once data is encrypted then application data will be travel in secure layer because its https request.
- As soon as request reached by server then server will take the request and it will decrypt the data by using same encryption algorithm, public and private key.
- This information will be available in SSL certificate so that server can get this information and able to decrypt. We already know client and server will use same certificate information and the certificate will be shared by the server and client.
- Once request is decrypted then server processes the request and it will prepare the response. Now server is responsible to encrypt response by using SSL certificate information.
- Once the data is encrypted it will send to client and it will use secure layer while travel in the network.
- As soon as response reached by client then it can decrypt the data by using SSL certificate information.
- This process will apply to each and every request and response while in the communication.
Here we need to communicate server and client using
HTTPS protocol then only server and client can understand the communication
secure type and https protocol use 443 port by default.
to get the certificates?
We need get
SSL certificates from SSL certificate vendors in the market. We need to purchase
certificate and we need to use for our application. In production environment
we have to use trusted certificates from reputed vendors. Verisign is one of SSL
certificate vendor.
can I implement SSL in local environment?
We will use self signed certificate in local development
to create Self-Signed SSL Certificates in Local Development Environment?
We will use Java
Key Tool or Open SSL tool to
create certificates in Local environment.
Key Tool by default will come with JDK so that we need
install JAVA in our machine to create Self-Signed Certificates.
to Configure SSL in Server?
We need to add SSL certificate to server JRE so that
server can use these certificates. After add the certificate to server JRE we
need to configure certificate information in server configuration files and we
need to enable https protocol to server.
SSL configuration is varying from server to server based
on server vendor. And server will always
look for certificate information JRE/lib/security
folder this is default location for certificates. Server will search
certificates information from cacerts
file this file available in jre\lib\security
of any JDK.
configuration for Liferay Portal
The following are the steps to configure SSL in
Liferay Portal.
- Create SSL certificate using Java Key Tool
- Configure SSL in Liferay Portal Server
SSL certificate using Java Key Tool
The following are the steps to create certificate
using Java Key Tool
- Generate Key
- Export Key Information into Certificate
- Import certificate into Server JRE
Java Key Tool is default tool which comes with JAVA. Before use these we need to install java. Once install java then we can use Java Key Tool. WE use Java Key Tool from Command Prompt to create certificate.
Open command prompt and go to java installation bin
path because there java key tool available.
The following screen shows the example java bin path
If you set java path in your system then you can
access java key tool from any directory. Otherwise we need to point to java bin path from command prompt.
For generating key we need use following command and
we need to pass some input values
The following are input options:
-alias: this is just reference name to key
-keyalg: which specify the encryption algorithm and
the algorithm will use when data will encrypt like RSA.
-keypass: password for key and default we will
use changeit
Enter following command in command prompt
keytool -genkey -alias tomcatserver
-keypass changeit -keyalg RSA
Once enter this command it will ask some information
please provide accordingly and please make sure first name and last name should
be name of your host (localhost) or domain name. We should not provide IP Address.
The following is information will ask by tool once
we enter above command
Enter keystore password: changeit
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: localhost
What is the name of your organizational
[Unknown]: ASW
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: ASW
What is the name of your City or
[Unknown]: HK
What is the name of your State or
[Unknown]: HK
What is the two-letter country code
for this unit?
[Unknown]: HK
Is CN=localhost, OU=ASW, O=ASW, L=HK,
ST=HK, C=HK correct?
[no]: yes
Now key was generated and it was Stored in the
default key store file that is called .keystore
The default keystore (.keystore) file available in C:\Users\<username> directory of
your computer
The following is example to .keystore in my computer
If we want store generated key in our own keystore file then use following
keytool -genkey -keystore c:\users\localhost.keystore -alias
tomcatmeera -keyalg RSA
–keystore value this is path to our
keystore file
Key Information into Certificate
We already generated key and that key information
stored in .keystore file. Now we
need export this key into some certificate and name of certificate is our
choice and the extension should be .cert
for name
of certificate myserver.cert
following command that will export key into given certificate file
keytool -export -alias tomcatserver
-keypass changeit -file myserver.cert
The above command will search the key information in
.keystore file in default location i.e.
We need to give exact alias name that is we previously used when we generate key in
previous step
If the key stored in our own keystore file then we
need to provide keystore file path with following command
keytool -export
-alias tomcatmeera -keypass changeit -file
myserver.cert –keystore c:/users/localhost.keystore
certificate into Server JRE
Now we need to import certificate into server JRE Because
Server will always search certificate information in JRE which used by server.
Generally all certificates available in jdk1.6.0_43\jre\lib\security location
and server will always search the certificates from this location.
We will import all certificates in cacerts file this default file to server.
Now we need to import our created certificate into cacerts (jdk1.6.0_43\jre\lib\security\cacerts)
Use following command to import certificate into
keytool -import -alias tomcatserver
-keypass changeit -keystore "C:\Program Files\Jav
As soon as you enter above command it will ask password
and enter password then it will show certificate information then you need
enter yes then certificate will be imported
into JRE default certificate file location (jre\lib\security\cacerts).
The following is information after enter above
keystore password:changeit
CN=meera, OU=meera, O=meera, L=meera, ST=meera, C=meera
CN=meera, OU=meera, O=meera, L=meera, ST=meera, C=meera
number: 52e7aad6
from: Tue Jan 28 21:04:22 CST 2014 until: Mon Apr 28 21:04:22 CST 2014
Signature algorithm name:
Version: 3
this certificate? [no]: yes
was added to keystore
We need to give full qualified path information of
JRE default certificate location and our created certificate path and paths are
enclosed in quote so that we never see any errors.
Alias name we used in all steps because it is
reference name to identify the certificate.
The following is complete screen to
create Self Signed Certificate and which use the Default Keystore file
Key pass every where changeit
Please concentrate on red colored rectangle areas in
above screen.
The following is complete screen to
create Self Signed Certificate and which use the Our Own Keystore file
Key pass everywhere is changeit
Please concentrate on red colored rectangle areas in
above screen.
SSL in Liferay Portal Server
Now we ready with certificate and we need to
configure SSL in server. We already know SSL configuration will change server
to server.
Now we need to configure SSL to Liferay Portal Server.
We are very familiar with following Liferay Portal Servers
- Liferay Portal Tomcat Server
- Liferay Portal JBoss Server
Portal Tomcat Server
To configure SSL in tomcat server we will use
server.xml file and we wil add connector tag with some SSL related attributes.
Go to Liferay Portal Tomcat Server configuration directory
and open server.xml file in any
The following is server.xml location in server
tomcat-7.0.40/conf/ server.xml
Add following connector xml tag in
The following configuration will always look for certificate
information from JRE default certificate location or .keystore in default system user location
Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 -->
port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
scheme="https" secure="true"
sslProtocol="TLS" />
The following configuration explicitly specify the keystore file location
secure="true" SSLEnabled="true"
is password we provided at the time of certificate creation.
Connector tag has more additional attributes which
will give some addition support and in the configuration we just use some basic
required attributes to connector.
SSL configuration Connector tag already defined in
server.xml file but it’s in comment mode. We just uncomment that SSL configured
connector tag and modify accordingly instead of adding new connector tag.
Generally in development environment we will
configure server to eclipse. When we configure server to eclipse it will create
separate sever instance and server instance have its own configuration files.
Whenever we did SSL configuration in the original server.xml
(tomcat7.0.40/conf/server.xml) file. These configurations not update in the
existed eclipse local server configuration files.
So we should remove old server in eclipse again add
new local server to eclipse so that new server instance have SSL configuration.
The following is screen shows local
server in eclipse
Go through following link to get more information
about SSL configuration
Portal Jboss Server
In Jboss also we will use server configuration file
to configure SSL. Jboss will use standalone.xml
file to configure SSL.
The following is location of standalone.xml file
jboss-7.1.1\standalone\configuration\ standalone.xml
Now open standalone.xml
file and look for following tag this is for http connector tag
name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http"
Add following SSL configuration below the above tag
as follows and this is for https connector tag.
protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http"/>
name="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="https"
socket-binding="https" secure="true">
When configure above configuration then server
enables with https protocol and it will use SSL.
tag has many additional attributes so that it will give more support to SSL. We
just use basic configuration.
Same like tomcat server Jboss also look for certificates information in JRE default
certificate location i.e. jre\lib\security\cacerts
The following is more information about SSL
configuration Jboss server
Very important thing is we need to add certificates
to server using JRE.
Same like tomcat when we use jboss in eclipse please
update eclipse server once we completed SSL configuration in original server
configuration files i.e. standalone.xml
When we update server in eclipse then it will get
SSL support for eclipse server instance
Application in Secure Layer
To access application in secured network we need to
use https and application will use
default 443 port when it uses the https
The following is URL to access Liferay Portal Application
with https in secured way.
When we use self signed certificates to access our
application in browsers then browser will prompt some message like certificate
in not trusted. Simple accept and follow further steps which showed by browser.
The following is the screen to show Liferay Portal in Chrome when we use Self-signed certificates.
Simple click on Proceed button so that you can view Liferay Portal in browser.
The following is screen to show
Accessing Liferay Portal using SSL
- SSL use the https protocol to provide secure layer for application data while in the network.
- We need to add trusted certificates information in server JRE so that data will be encrypted or decrypted when the client server communication is occurred.
- In the real environment or production environment we need to get SSL certificate from SSL vendors.
- In the development environment we will use Self Signed Certificates and which can be created by using Java Key Tool
- We need to add self signed SSL certificates to Server JRE default SSL certificates location i.e jre\lib\security\cacerts
- To configure SSL information in server we will use server configuration files these file name varying from server to server.
- To enable SSL is we need to enable HTTPS connector and there we need pass SSL certificate information as attributes values.
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ReplyDeleteAn SSL certificate is a comprehensive web SSL to create a secure environment as well as credibility and trust with web site visitors and online customers around the world. A safer web is enabled by SSL-protected sites, as seen with Facebook's transition to requiring SSL for all applications and Google's transition to the https standard for all logged-in searches.