Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Apache Felix Gogo Shell Introduction

Apache Felix GoGo Shell provides the command line interface to manage bundle in the OSGi container. We can use Gogo shell to interact with OSGi bundles and we can manage its lifecycle like install bundles, start bundles, stop bundles and uninstall bundles. Apache Felix implementing the OSGi RFC 147, which describes a standard shell for OSGi-based environments.

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Felix Gogo Shell implemented as three bundles and the following are three bundles which should be available in OSGi container then only we can use Apache Felix Gogo shell.

runtime - implements the core command processing functionality.

shell - provides a simple textual user interface to interact with the command processor.

command - implements a set of basic commands.

When we start Apache Felix OSGi container Gogo shell automatically started and available for use. These three bundles are alredy deployed in auto deploy directory of Apache Felix, so that as soon as Apache Felix started then Gogo shell will be available.

The following three bundles, which are available in Apache Felix “bundles” directory and its auto deployment directory for Apache Felix OSGi container.

Once we started Apache Felix then Gogo shell, it will be available as command line interface where we can use defined commands to interact with OSGi container to manage bundles.

Once you started Apache Felix then you can see “Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo” message with g! , this is Gogo shell.

We can list available bundle in the OSGi container by using lb command.

The following are few important GoGo Shell commands which we can use regularly.

felix:headers : To see available Bundle headers in OSGi container


headers : To see available Bundle headers in OSGi container

The following screen shows available bundles headers in the OSGi container

felix:help : To get help related to available commands. We can see all available commands in the shell.


help : To get help related to available commands. We can see all available commands in the shell.

The following screen shows the help command

felix:install : Install OSGi bundles


install : Install OSGi bundles


We need to specify the bundle path to install bundle. Once bundle is installed then it will show the bundle ID.

The following screen shows the install a bundle

felix:start : This command will use to start installed bundle in the OSGi container. it means activate bundle in the OSGi container


start : This command will use to start installed bundle in the OSGi container. it means activate bundle in the OSGi container.

This start command will expect the bundle ID to start the bundle. When we list the bundles, we can see Bundle IDs or when we installed the bundle then it will return the current installed bundle ID.

The following screen shows the start bundle

felix:stop : This command will stop bundle or deactivate bundle from OSGi container


stop : This command will stop bundle or deactivate bundle from OSGi container.


This stop command will expect the bundle ID to stop the bundle. When we list the bundle then we can see Bundle IDs. When bundle is deactivated then it goes to resolved state it means bundle is installed but not in use.

The following screen shows stop bundle

felix:uninstall : This command uninstall the bundle from container


uninstall : This command uninstall the bundle from container


We need to specify the bundle path to uninstall bundle. Once bundle is uninstalled then it will disappear from the bundles list, it means it’s not available in the OSGi container.

The following screen show uninstall bundle

Apart from above commands we can find many commands in the Gogo shell and all we can see by using help command.

Liferay 7 already deployed Apache Felix Gogo Shell bundles in the OSGi container and it will start when we start Liferay 7 portal. We can see complete details about Apache Felix Gogo Shell usage in the Liferay 7 portal in the future articles.


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