Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Access Felix Gogo Shell in Liferay 7 from PuTTY Terminal

Felix Gogo shell is command line interface to manage bundles in the OSGi container. We have defined commands are available for Felix Gogo shell, form these we can interact with OSGi container and manage the bundles which are deployed in the OSGi container.

We can manage bundles lifecycle like install, start, stop and uninstall bundles from OSGi container.

Liferay 7 also have used Apache Felix Gogo shell to interact with Liferay Portal Module framework. We can deploy Liferay Application bundles and activate and deactivate bundles.
We have following ways to access Felix Gogo Shell

Access from Telnet client
Access from PuTTY Terminal

Access from Telnet client

The following is Article which describe Access Felix Gogo shell from Telnet client

Access from PuTTY Terminal


PuTTY is open source terminal which support different protocols like SSH and Telnet.
The following are the steps to Access Felix Gogo shell from PuTTY in Liferay 7.

Download PuTTY
Start Liferay Portal
Access Felix Gogo Shell using PuTTY Terminal

Download PuTTY Software

The following is the place where you can download PuTTY software.

For windows download putty.exe file and place it in your desired location in the system.

Start Liferay 7 Portal

Go to Liferay 7 Portal Tomcat bin directory and start the server and it will take several minutes to start the portal.

The following is the article which describe the Install and Starting the Liferay 7 Portal

Access Felix Gogo Shell using PuTTY Terminal

Now go to the location where you place the putty.exe

Double click on the putty file then it will open run alert then click on run.

Once click on Run the it will open Window there we need to provide the following information of Felix Gogo shell

Host Name :
Port : 11311
Connection Type: Telnet


As we know that Felix Gogo shell running on the port 11311 and localhost that is

Once click on open button then it will open Felix Gogo shell session

Now we can use all Gogo Shell commands to communicate with OSGi container and manage bundles.

List the bundles using lb command

Use help command to see all available Gogo Shell commands



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