Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Liferay Audit Portlet and Hook


Liferay Audit is used to track many events and actions which are going in liferay portal.

Information like user login logout, document library files actions like add, delete and update .We will track all information using Liferay Audit portlets.

Liferay Audit Plugins consist of hook and portlet.

Hook is used to customize some classes and properties in the portal and portlet is used to track the data and show the information in control panel.

Download Portlet and Hook

These portlet and hook is available to only Liferay EE version. If you are an EE customer then downloads and deploy into your portal.

Download from market place

Conceptual Understanding:

Generally in application when we add some data or delete data from tables we will use persistence objects.

Once we fill the data in these objects then we will store into database this is called Hibernate Persistence logic.

So in any record or data going to add in the database it’s should use the POJO class and we can call these object as Model Objects.

Model object is simple java class consist of setters and getters methods so that we will use these object when want store data in database. Each row in table will mapping to Model object instance before perform any database action.

So simply we can say any action like add, delete, read and update  going to perform then it need Model object instance and the model object should be modify or create.

If we able identify these actions and track then we can hold the all the information with respect to each and every thing which is going in the application.

Liferay have used great concept called Model Listeners so that we can use these Listeners to identify the changes in the Model objects.

Liferay Model Listeners:

Liferay Model listeners are event listeners which will be invoked or called when the changes occurred in the model objects.

For each model object we have model listener so it will listen the events or actions which is performed on model object. We can create model listener for any model class in the liferay.

If we want create new listener for existed model which are in portal level we will use the hook to do these job.We need to override some portal properties thorogh the hook



value.object.listeners.ActualModel Class Name=Our Custom Listener class

Example properties in hook file


The custom listener class should implement the ModelListener interface and it has some abstract methods we need to implement those. These methods will be called when the changes happened in the model object.

The following are methods in ModelListener interface and its methods

public interface ModelListener<T> {

       public void onAfterAddAssociation(
                     Object classPK, String associationClassName,
                     Object associationClassPK)
              throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onAfterCreate(T model) throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onAfterRemove(T model) throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onAfterRemoveAssociation(
                     Object classPK, String associationClassName,
                     Object associationClassPK)
              throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onAfterUpdate(T model) throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onBeforeAddAssociation(
                     Object classPK, String associationClassName,
                     Object associationClassPK)
              throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onBeforeCreate(T model) throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onBeforeRemove(T model) throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onBeforeRemoveAssociation(
                     Object classPK, String associationClassName,
                     Object associationClassPK)
              throws ModelListenerException;

       public void onBeforeUpdate(T model) throws ModelListenerException;


The concept is simple we will use respective model listeners and at the time of changes made in model objects then respective listener methods will be called. We will use some business logic in the Model Listener implementation methods to capture the action and store in our tables according to convenient.

Audit Message:

We will use some generic object to capture respective model and its actions data so that it will be common for all the models.

We will follow some message pattern so that all models will capture such information place in Audit Message object.

The following is audit message class properties.

public class AuditMessage{
       private JSONObject _additionalInfo;
       private String _className;
       private String _classPK;
       private String _clientHost;
       private String _clientIP;
       private long _companyId = -1;
       private String _eventType;
       private String _message;
       private String _serverName;
       private int _serverPort;
       private String _sessionID;
       private Date _timestamp;
       private long _userId = -1;
       private String _userName;


Message Bus:

Message bus is one of the concepts in liferay so that we can create some destinations and its respective listeners to send the information and perform further actions through its respective listeners.

Whenever any event is generated we will post information to configured destinations as soon as information posted in destination respective liters will be listening and will perform further activities.


Model Listeners is different from Message Bus Destination listeners both are not same.

Now abstract the concept:
  • Model leisters are the responsible to identify the changes in the model class.
  • As soon as changes listen by the model listeners and each model listener have some methods bases on change type or event type inside these methods based on model event type we will prepare generic Audit Message.
  • Once Audit Message is prepared we will post this message in particular destination using Liferay Message Bus or we can say routing message to respective destination.
  • As soon as Message posted in Destination respective event listener will be invoked now we will capture the information from Audit Message then we will save into our data base tables.
  • Finally model object events information is stored as Audit Event table and the table consist of the columns same as the properties in Audit Message.
  • So this concept we can apply for any model object so that we can capture the information.

Code Snippet to prepare Audit message and Post in destination

Take your ModelListenr say RoleModelListener and Action is ADD

public void onBeforeCreate(Role role)
throws ModelListenerException
//prepare Audit Message

AuditMessage auditMessage = AuditMessageBuilder.buildAuditMessage("ADD", com.liferay.portal.model.Role.class.getName(), role.getRoleId(), null);

//message post to destination


catch(Exception e)
throw new ModelListenerException(e);

The above code when we add role then it will be invoked and it will prepare Audit Message routing to respective destination.

As soon as it reach destination respective listener will be invoked and the audit data will be stored in Audit Event table.


We have audit hook and audit portlet to complete audit functionality in portal.

Audit Hook:

Audit hook is responsible to create model listeners for existed Model classes in portal and inside Model Listener we will create audit message in post into destination or we can say route the message to particular destination.

liferay-hook.xml file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hook PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Hook 6.1.0//EN" "">

Hook file

Audit Portlet:

Audit Portlet is responsible to show the audit information to admin the control panel.

In the portlet we have one entity called in Audit Event and it’s consisting of required columns to store audit information.

Audit portlet also consist of message bus configuration in messaging-spring.xml and this file should be available in portlet /WEB-INF/src/META-INF path.

And we need to specify the messaging-spring.xml file information in and it’s should available in /WEB-INF/src

We have another spring configuration file called auit-spring.xml file it consist of configuration related audit spring beans. This file should be available in portlet /WEB-INF/src/META-INF path. We need create and add configuration

We need to specify the auit-spring.xml file information in and it’s should available in /WEB-INF/src

In the portlet we need to change the database column types through  portlet-model-hints.xml file. This file should be available in portlet /WEB-INF/src/META-INF path

Deployment and Working

Step: 1

Before deploy these portlet we need to enable AuditFilter and override portal properties through file and it should be available in Liferay Home path.

# Enable the audit filter

Step: 2

 .lpg files and placed in liferay deploy directory so that it will be deployed.

Step: 3

After successful deployments of both hook and portlet then go to control panel in portal section you can see the audit portlet.

Access the portlet

Login as Admin in the liferay portal

Go to control panel

See the audit portlet in the users section

Access audit portlet then you can see all audit information in grid.

You can also search the audit information based on different search terms.

Click on any Audit event in data grid then you can see full details of respective event.

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