Sun micro system introduced Java Portlet technology
to the world. In the Technology world each and every technology has some
specifications based on this different people will implemented the software.
The requirement specification is called Application Programming Interface.
Coming to portlet technology all requirement
specifications comes under JSR 168 standards.
JSR 168 is portlet specification defined by java
community people based on this many people implemented portlet technologies.JSR
168 is called portlet 1.0 specification.
Many vendors have implemented the Portlet Technology
specification namely Liferay, uPortal, Web logic Portals, Webspear Portals and
Apache Jetspeed.
is starting version of portlet technology and then people was added more
specification in JSR 286.
This portlet technology specification was defined
the portlet lifecycle and its management in the portlet container. Portlet lifecycle
is similar to servlet lifecycle.
We already know to run or manage servlet lifecycle
we need servlet containers similarly we have portlet container which is
responsible for manage lifecycle of portlet.
All these specification and portlet lifecycle and
management was specified in JSR 168 and JSR 286 standers all vendors who
implemented the portlet technology should follow the portlet specification.
168 Portlet Important Specifications
- Provide Run time environment to run portlet i.e. define portlet container
- Implement API between Portlet Containers and Portlets
- Implement Mechanism to store transient and persistence data for portlet.
- Define Portlet Lifecycle
- Provide methods for easy deployments of portlets
- Allow portlets run in other vendor portals which follows JSR 168 standards.
- Run JSR 168 portlets as remote portlets using the Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) protocol
Artifacts in JSR 168 specification
- Portal
- Portlet
- Portlet Container
- Portal Page
Portal is web application which provides content aggregation,
personalization and single sign of from different sources. Portal consists of
web pages and each page has dynamic and static content.
Portlet page is part of portal and its simple a web
page. In general web application page consist of one dynamic application but
coming to portal page it consist of multiple dynamic application and static
content all together is called portal page.
A portal page is an aggregation of dynamic content
and static content we can say portal page is fragments of dynamic and static content
served by portlet container. Each portal page has specific layout there all
portlet applications are reside.
Example Diagram For portal Page
Portlet container is responsible for manage the
portlet lifecycle. Portlet container is similar to server container.
Portlet container is integrated with web server/application
so that it will use http protocol to communicate with client and serve the content.
Generally some application server has provision to inbuilt with portlet
container to support run time environment to portlet.
Portlet is fragment of dynamic content which reside
in portal page. Similar to servlet, portlets are web components that are
deployed inside of a container and generate dynamic content. On the technical
side, a portlet is a class that implements the javax.portlet.Portlet interface and is packaged and deployed as a
.war file inside of a portlet container
- Portlets are managed by specialized containers called portlet containers.
- Portlets are server side component which generate the dynamic content.
- Portlet have its own lifecycle which will be manage by portlet container
- Portlet will be used request/response mechanism to interact with web client using http protocol.
portlets are differed from Servlet
- Generally in servlet web application each servlet will be referred by URL to invoke or access and each web page content will be served by one servlet but in portlets each page will be served by different portlet and each portlet will have its own lifecycle and own URL pattern to execute.
- Servlet will generate dynamic content which send to browser and it’s in single web page but portlet will server fragment of dynamic content and portal page is responsible to aggregate content from different portlet to generate whole page.
life cycle
As we already know each portlet has it own lifecycle
and which will be managed by portlet container. According to the JSR 168
standard portlet have three lifecycle stages.
the portlet and put the portlet into service
Process different kinds of action- and
Put portlet out of service
Theoretically we have 3 lifecycle stages in portlets
and these will be implemented via portlet interface. Portlet interface is implemented
in jax.portlet
package by Sun Microsystems.
Every portlet that should implement the portlet interface
or it should extend the class that already implemented the portlet interface.
As we know portlet have three lifecycle staged and
the following are interface methods which handle portlet lifecycle cycle in
portlet implementation.
This method is initialize the portlet and this will be
called only once when portlet is instantiated, we can say when we drag and drop
portlet in page.
If any necessary functionality required at initial
time of portlet we will use this method and write code here. It is similar to
servlet init method.
method can be used to create expensive objects/resources used by the portlet.
request, ActionResponse response):
When user is requested to server then portlet will
execute process action method.
This method will notify the portlet that used has
triggered an action this portlet. , a portlet can issue a redirect, change its
portlet mode or window state, modify its persistent state, or set render
request, RenderResponse response):
Render method will generate content and that will be
send to web client.
In the portal page we have many portlet we have
triggered action in one portlet then all portlet will be executed render method
to aggregate dynamic content. The portlet can produce markup that may depend on
the portlet mode or window state, render parameters, request attributes,
persistent state, session data, or backend data.
Indicate to the portlet the life cycle's end. This
method allows the portlet to free up resources and update any persistent data
that belongs to this portlet.
In the portlet lifecycle for each action or request
the final method is render method. Render method will be called for every time
to aggregate content or produce content.
Generally portlet have different URL to call these
methods like Action URL and Render URL.
Action URL will execute portlet porcessAction(----) method and then it will be execute the render(----) method.
Render URL will execute the portlet render (---) method only.
Portlet have addition Characteristics when we
compare with servlet.
Widow States:
Portlet has different window states. Window state
specifies how portlet will look in the page .Window state decides how much
space will be accommodated in portlet page.
The following are important window states as for JSR
168 Standards.
When portlet state is decided as Maximized then
entire page only one portlet is visible.
Generally we will use this state after perform some
action then we will make widow state is Maximized.
Specified that is portlet may share the page with
other portlets. This is the default window state.
Portlet should only render minimal output or no
output at all.
Portlet mode specifies that the function will be performed
by portlet.
Generally following are the portlet modes that each
portlet should support as for JSR 168 standards.
This view
mode is when portlet is access or render then portlet is in view mode and this
is default mode for portlet.
Edit mode will be used to edit some portlet functionality
and generally we wil use this mode for administrator to modify or edit something.
This will used to provide content to end user about
portlet i.e how to use and access portlet like help information.
storage for preferences:
Portlets provide a PortletPreferences object for storing user preferences. These
preferences are stored in a persistent data store, so they will be available
across server restarts. As a developer, you don't have to worry about the
actual implementation of how it is stored.
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