Well before (previous article) we have seen Generic Portlet Development,
which follows JSR 168&286 standards and we can deploy into any portal
Go through following Article
As same way we can deploy Generic Portlet into
Liferay Portal environment and we can develop same portlet using Liferay
Plugins SDK.
Liferay Portal Environment =
Liferay Portal Server Bundle(tomcat/jobs/jetty)
+ Liferay Plugins SDK
Portal Server Bundle
Plugins SDK
Portlet Development Made Easy in Liferay Environment.
- We can also develop Generic Portlet in Liferay Environment and we can deploy into liferay portal.
- Liferay Plugins SDK will have support to create Generic Portlet and deploy into liferay portal,
- Liferay Plugins SDK will provide ANT build to create, compile and deploy portlet by using simple ANT targets.
- Liferay also have Liferay IDE that will support to create Generic Portlet and its Deployment.
- If we develop Generic Portlet in Liferay Environment we can use liferay portal features in Generic Portlet Development.
- Liferay have rich tag libraries and many components so that we can use all tag libraries in Generic Portlet Development.
- Apart from JSR features liferay portal also added more features to portlets so that we can apply those features to Generic Portlet like permission system and we can apply Liferay Portal API.
- When we develop Generic Portlet in Liferay Environment then we will have two additional files liferay-portlet.xml and liferay-display.xml file. These are liferay specific features xml configuration which can apply only in liferay portal environment.
- Apart From JSR 168&286 feature liferay also have many advanced features like Permission API, Assets API and Plugins Security API.
- Whatever the additional features and configurations defined by liferay available in Liferay specific DTD files and there we can see all additional configuration tags and its information.
and liferay-display.xml
As we already know generic portlet is very basic portlet
so in general we will develop other portlets like Liferay MVC, JSF, spring and Struts
portlets in Liferay Environment but we need to have well understood about
Generic Portlet development so that we can understand more about portlet
development in Liferay.
Artifacts for Generic Portlet Development in Liferay Environment
- We need portlet.xml file
- We need web.xml file
- We need Portlet class that should extends Generic Portlet
- We need liferay-portlet.xml and liferay-display.xml file
Plugins SDK
Liferay Plugins SDK provides portlet development environment
so that we can develop portlet and deploy into liferay portal.
Liferay Plugins SDK will have very good build
process using ANT tool. We can use simple ANT targets to create, compile and
deploy portlet into liferay portal servers.
have two ways to develop portlet in Liferay Environment
- LiferayPlugins SDK with Only ANT tool
- Liferay Plugins SDK with Liferay IDE and Eclipse
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