Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spring3+Struts2+Hibernate4+Liferay portlet

Spring3+Struts2+Hibernate4+Liferay portlet

Create iferay portlet usinf Spring3, Struts2 and Hiberate4.
Before read this article we need to have good understanding in spring frame work struts framework and hibernate and have knowledge on annotation.
The following are the reference links to get knowledge.

Here we are using spring for Business logic and Struts is used as controllers and hibernate for persistence logic.

Steps to run port let.
1.     Create data base in mysql name as userdb
2.     Take the portlet from following location.

4.     Place portlet into your plugins/portlets directory
5.     If you are use Eclipse ide create portle as existing source.
6.     For data base configuration you have to modify the following file according to your local environment.
7.     Sprin-hibernate.xml
8.     Run ant  deploy command
9.     See in samples category
10.    Drag and drop into page and add the user using UI.
11.    See the added users in user table..
Screen Shots:

Note: This portlet done in liferay 6.0.6 version.
IF you want run this in liferay 6.1 version first create one mvc portlet thorough the  Liferay IDE and copy manually all files to newly created one.
Please make sure dtd version of liferay xml files.
For liferay xml  xml files copy content to respective xml files then there no effect in dtd files of liferay.


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