Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Liferay Plugin Portlet JSON Web Services Part-II

Before start this Article please go through following Article

Call Plugin Portlet JSON Web Services Using Portal Context

We already developed portlet (in part-I) and once we deployed the portlet we will use portal context to call Plugin portlet JSON web services.

We can get web service by accession JSONWS API screen as Admin and there you can see all your web services information like what is return type and what are the parameters need for web service.

We can also get code snippets for different clients like Java script code and web service URL
The general URL pattern to call Plugin portlet JSON web services using Portal Context as follows


 It’s your domain name or host name if you are in local the its “localhost”


It’s your application server port number.


 It’s our liferay portal context and we will represent portal context with slash (/)


 It’s our plug-in portlet context name its simple as portlet name


This is path for call JSON Web Service servlet this is configured in portal web.xml


 service-class-name is generated from the service’s class name by removing the Service or ServiceImpl suffix and making it lower case. This is our service class name where we implemented custom method or it is simple the entity name which is in service.xml. In our example we implemented our method in

Finally we have to use in URL as employee when we observe it’s just entity name in 


Service-method-name is generated from the service’s method name by converting its camel case to lower case and using dashes (-) to separate words

Finally our Complete URL like this for our Example:

Portal Context
Plugin context path
Web service servelet path
Service Class Name converted as employee
Service Method Name
getEmplyee(--) converted as get-employee

When we access Plugin portlet JSON web services form portal context all authentication mechanism applies by liferay when we access web services.

This is general URL pattern to call JSON web services and we can see all web service URL information form admin screen

Passing parameters and its values:

We can pass parameters in two was
  1. Query String
  2. URL Parameters

Query String URL Notation


public  com.meera.db.model.Employee getEmployee(long emplyeeId){

Web service URL with Query String Parameters As follows



URL Parameters

We can pass parameters to web service as URL parameters and here param name and values separated by slash (/). And here parameter notation will be based on the param names we have used in java implementation method and each capital letter in name will be separated by – and capital letter will become small latter.

URL pattern Web service Notation:

public  com.meera.db.model.Employee getEmployee(long emplyeeId){

Web service URL with Query String Parameters As follows



For Our Example Complete URL to access employee data by passing employee id is following like this




 Some time its ask Authentication so we should pass admin credentials as URL headers
With authentication The URL like follow




Access Plugin Portlet Web service Information using Admin Screen

Well we understand how JSON web service URL will be generated and passing parameters. We will have JOSNWS API admin screen there you can get all information and also we can some code snippets to call web service


To access JSONWS API screen you need login as portal admin then only you can access web services information.

The following are steps to get web service information from admin screen

Step: 1

We need access web services admin screen from following URL


When we access above URL by default we can see all liferay portal web services.

The following is screen to show JSONWS  API

Step: 2

Once we get the screen in left hand side we have Context Path Select box there we need to select our Plugin portlet context

The following screen shows you select the context path

Step: 3

Once we select Plugin portlet context path we can see all entities and its service in the panel and each service is hyper link when you click on web service method you can see all information about method

The following is screen show the web service method information

Step: 4

Now we need click on invoke button so that we can see all code snippets and URL to call web service

Step: 4

Now we can see web service URL when we click on URL example tab. This URL we will use in any client to access web service. When we call from other client we need to pass authorized use credentials to access data using web service URL

The following is screen shows you to web Service URL


When get web service URL we need pass parameter values as input so that we can see full URL and it can get the JSON data

The URL we accessed from admin screen and  we already login as admin that why  we no need provide any authorization information but when we access URL from other clients we need to pass authorization information i.e. we need pass admin credentials as URL http headers.
The following is example URL that contains Authorization Information

With authentication The URL like follow




Important Portal Properties when we work with Liferay JSON web services

We need to override following portal properties so that it will allow calling liferay JSON web services, we need register host names and we need to tell what are methods allow to public access

The following properties we need to write in file.


More information Please have look into following link


Sometime browser not allows pass credentials in URL so we need pass in the program as Authorization header and type is basic.

Calling Plugin Portlet JSON Web Service from Ajax

The following is simple Ajax Program Call Portal Service with Basic Authorization Header
The following example uses the get Employee JSON Web Services of Plugin portlet and in the alert it will show employee name. This is just example

Here you need look into the part how to pass Authorization header in the request this is very important.

Here we are passing Authorization header type basic and we will encode the user credentials.

<%@ include file="init.jsp"%>
<script src=""></script>
            var username ="";
            var password ="test"
            function make_base_auth(user, password) {
              var tok = user + ':' + password;
              var hash = btoa(tok);
              return "Basic " + hash;
                  url: 'http://localhost:8080/api/jsonws/
                  dataType: "json",
                  type: "get",
                  success: function(data){
                  beforeSend: function(xhr){
                          xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization',make_base_auth(username, password));
                                    complete: function(){
                  error: function(){
Passing Parameters Values in Ajax call

<%@ include file="init.jsp"%>
<script src=""></script>
            var username ="";
            var password ="test"
            function make_base_auth(user, password) {
              var tok = user + ':' + password;
              var hash = btoa(tok);
              return "Basic " + hash;
                  url: 'http://localhost:8080/api/jsonws/
                 data:{ emplyeeId:"1"}
                  dataType: "json",
                  type: "get",
                  success: function(data){
                  beforeSend: function(xhr){
                          xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization',make_base_auth(username, password));
                                    complete: function(){
                  error: function(){


When we pass parameters values in Ajax call its nothing but passing parameters as query string URL so here we need to consider notation of passing parameters and its values in web service URL.

Passing parameters values as URL parameters are different from passing as query string.


Query String


URL Parameter


We can use Ajax code in HTML page or JSP page then you can see the result in alert.

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